Учебник английского языка
7 класс

4 unit.
It Takes Many Kinds to Make the World


New language

Grammar Section

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

27. Use past perfect continuous to complete the sentences. See Reference Grammar, p. 333.

  1. Her eyes were red. It was clear she (cry).
  2. Mrs Thompson (wait) for 3 quarters of an hour before the secretary came.
  3. Jane was very tired. She (do) her room since afternoon.
  4. Alec said he (staud) there since 6 o’clock.
  5. Jill (study) English for 5 years before she visited the USA.

28. Choose the right tense: past perfect or past perfect continuous.

  1. You were out of breath when you came in this morning. You (run)?
  2. When mother got home, she found that little Kitty (paint) her room. She (paint) two walls red and one wall yellow.
  3. It (rain) for several days before the wind changed.
  4. Jane told me she (write) regularly to her Granny, but (not, receive) any answer.
  5. We (cook) all day for the party that evening, but by 8 o’clock in the evening Jane (not, finish) laying the table yet.

29. Translate these sentences into Russian.

  1. She always dresses in the latest fashion.
  2. What time does the last bus leave?
  3. December is the last month of the year.
  4. The teacher told us about the latest elections in this country.
  5. We’ve read two books this month — “Alice in Wonderland” and “Matilda”. As for me the latter was more interesting.
  6. This poem belongs to his later works.

30. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

  1. I bought the (latest/last) edition2 of Webster Dictionary.
  2. I bought the (latest/last) copy of today’s paper.
  3. His (last/latest) words were: “The end.”
  4. What is the (last/latest) news?
  5. What do you think of John’s (last/latest) play?
  6. What is the (last/latest) day of the week?

31. Express the same in English.

  1. Ты слышал последние новости? Анна приехала.
  2. Страница 359 — последняя страница в этой книге.
  3. — Где ты провёл свой прошлый отпуск? — В прошлом году мы ездили в Санкт-Петербург.
  4. Его последняя книга очень популярна. А что он пишет сейчас?
  5. У меня нет последнего издания этой книги.
  6. «Приключения Тома Сойера» (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”) — это не последний роман Марка Твена.
  7. 7. Мой брат мало что понимает в последней моде.
  8. — Какой последний фильм ты смотрел? — В прошлом месяце я не ходил в кино.

1 former — первый из двух упомянутых
2 edition — издание

32. Match the columns to complete the comparisons.

33. Choose the right form to complete the sentences.

  1. Mary’s (older/elder) sister has been staying in the USA for seven years now.
  2. Whose grandfather is (older/elder) — yours or Ivan’s?
  3. Colin is the (oldest/eldest) student in our class.
  4. Is Steve your (older/elder) or your younger brother?
  5. My uncle is the (oldest/eldest) member of my family.
  6. My friend William is a year and a half (older/elder) than me.
  7. The building of our school is (older/elder) than all the other buildings in this area.
  8. Do you know that Mr Richardson’s (older/elder) daughter is a ballet dancer?

34. Choose the right form to complete the sentences. In some sentences both forms can be used.

  1. What do you think of your (further/farther) education?
  2. He lives four miles (further/farther) away from the cinema than I do.
  3. We have no (further/farther) information. Call us later, please.
  4. The post office is (further/farther) from the school than the park.
  5. They agreed to meet in the (farthest/furthest) corner of the park.
  6. I wonder what her (farther/further) explanation is going to be.
  7. The hunter’s house is on the (further/farther) shore of the lake.
  8. Have you any (further/farther) questions?

35. Express the same in English.

дальнейшее образование, самый дальний магазин, более удалённая деревня, самый дальний район, дальнейшие детали, дальнейшие сведения, самый удалённый город от столицы, самый дальний угол сада, дальнейшие извинения, более удалённая площадь от центра

36. Choose the right form to complete the sentences.

  1. Two passengers talking' on the bus: “What’s the (nearest/next) stop?”
  2. We’ll have to walk to the (nearest/next) shop, I’m afraid.
  3. How do you usually get to the (nearest/next) underground station?
  4. Do you know the name of your (nearest/next) door neighbour?
  5. Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?
  6. What is your (nearest/next) question?
  7. Peter lives (nearest/next) to the school of all of us.
  8. We have to hurry if we want to catch the (nearest/next) bus to Liverpool.

37. Remember the word combinations where the indefinite article is used.

to have a swim — поплавать
to have a smoke — покурить
to have a talk — поболтать
to have a look — посмотреть, взглянуть
to have a break — передохнуть
What a pityl — Какая жалость!
What a shame! — Какая досада!

38. Match the columns.

1) шёпотом
2) солгать
3) в спешке
4) пойти погулять
5) хорошо провести время
6) громко, громким голосом
7) быть в растерянности (растеряться)
8) какое-то время, недолго
9) тихо, тихим голосом

а) to have a good time
b) to go for a walk
с) in a low voice
d) for a while
е) in a hurry
f) to be at a loss
g) in a loud voice
h) to tell a lie
i) in a whisper

39. Ask your friend when he/she last:

    a) spoke in a whisper, spoke in а low/loud voice;
  1. went for a walk;
  2. had a swim;
  3. had a talk with your headmaster;
  4. said “What a pity!”;
  5. told a lie;
  6. had a good time;
  7. was in a hurry; i) said “What a shame!”;
  8. felt unhappy for a while.

40. Use the right form of the verb in brackets or one of the word combinations with the verb have from the table, complete the sentences.

Example: My younger brother often ... his toys. I’m tired, let’s ... (break).

My younger brother often breaks his toys. I’m tired, let’s have a break.

  1. When he was younger, he used to ... every morning. Can you ... from here to that rock? (swim)
  2. Can you come in for a moment? I'd like to ... to you. Can I ask you not to ... at the lessons? (talk)
  3. My father doesn’t ... . But my grandfather likes to ... after every meal, (smoke)
  4. ... at the picture carefully and answer my questions. Let me ... at the photos, I haven’t seen them yet. (look)
  5. When would you like to ... now or a bit later? Don’t play football here, kids: you can ... the window, (break)



