Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ 6 êëàññà

Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê


Let Us Read

22. Read the text and say why many species of animals and plants are endangered.


You have never seen a dodo. Your friends and teachers have never seen a dodo. Your grandparents never saw a dodo. The last of these large birds that couldn’t fly died many years ago. Now it is extinct. We even say “as dead as a dodo”, which means “finished”. Your great-grandparents may just have seen a passenger pigeon:1 the last one died in 1914. A lot more endangered species — fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals — may disappear before you have children. The reason is that Man kills animals and destroys their habitats. 13. It is not just animals that are in danger. So are plants. The world had over nine million sq.2 km of forests. This is a lot of trees, and also a lot of different species of trees. But they are disappearing fast. Every day we use paper and cardboard, both made from wood. We use different kinds of wood in furniture and in other ways. Every year over 100 000 sq. km of forests are cleared for different uses, and a lot of forests are so badly damaged that they will hardly be able to recover. If we go on like this, by the time you are as old as your grandparents are now all the forests on earth can be destroyed. This includes rainforests in South America, Africa and Asia. The huge forests help to control the world’s weather and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. There are many illnesses which we still cannot cure. There are old ones like cancer3 and new ones like AIDS.4 It may be that the medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants in savannas, deserts or rainforests. If we destroy these places, we will never find the cure.

So you see that it is not just children who need a healthy space to live and grow. If we want our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.

1 Your great-grandparents may just have seen a passenger pigeon ... — Òâîè ïðàäåäóøêà è ïðàáàáóøêà, âîçìîæíî, âèäåëè ñòðàíñòâóþùåãî ãîëóáÿ...
2 sq. = square — êâàäðàòíûé
3 cancer — ðàê (áîëåçíü)
4 AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) — ÑÏÈÄ (ñèíäðîì ïðèîáðåòåííîãî èììóíîäåôèöèòà)

23. Look through the text again and answer these questions.

  1. Have people living in the 20th century ever seen a dodo?
  2. What is a dodo? Could you call it an extinct species?
  3. What endangered species of plants and animals can you remember?
  4. Why are forests on the planet disappearing fast?
  5. How does this fact influence the life of people, animals and plants?
  6. Why are rainforests so important to the life on the earth?
  7. How can wild plants in savannas, deserts and rainforests help to cure people?
  8. What should be remembered if we want to have a healthy life in future?

24. Remember the beginnings of these sentences, if necessary look through the text again.

  1. ... never saw a dodo.
  2. ... which means “finished”.
  3. ... died many years ago.
  4. ... the last one died in 1914.
  5. ... both made from wood.
  6. ... and to produce much of the oxygen in the air.
  7. ... new ones like AIDS.
  8. ... we will never find the cure.
  9. ... a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.

25. These are four good reasons why we must protect wildlife. Develop these ideas.

  1. Forests (especially rainforests) control the world’s weather.
  2. Plants produce much of the oxygen in the air which people need for breathing.
  3. Wild plants can help to produce some medicines to cure dangerous diseases.
  4. A lot of species of plants and animals are disappearing fast and can become extinct very soon.

* * * * * Let Us Talk * * * * *

26. Imagine you are giving a talk at the Ecology Class describing the situation in the place where you live. Make a plan of your talk and speak on the following.

  1. Changes in the climate, in the weather.
  2. Reasons for these changes.
  3. Disappearing and rare plants (birds, animals).
  4. The state of the forests, rivers and lakes in your region.

27. Use the plan of ex. 26 and say what the text “Natural World in Danger” is about in 5—10 sentences.

28. This is what Stephanie, a girl from Cardiff aged 12, wrote about the beauty of the world. Read the paragraph artistically and say how you could prove that our planet is a wonderful place to live on.

I don't normally get up early but today was different. I woke up to the sound of music but not just any music. It was the sound of birds singing like a big orchestra. I got out of bed and opened the curtains to look out of the window. I stood in a daze.1 The bird flew from tree to tree and from branch to branch. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining through the trees and on the grass making them look like gold. The sky had the shade2 of blue that you can see only in summer even though it was spring. What a lovely way to wake up in the morning.

Stephanie Bolton, age 12

1 daze — èçóìëåíèå
2 shade — çä. îòòåíîê

29. Speak about pets people keep.

• usual (common) pets to keep at home
• unusual pets to keep at home
• reasons why people keep pets

• difficulties you have when you keep pets
• the right and wrong ways to deal with pets

30. Speak about different hobbies people have.

• usual hobbies
• unusual hobbies
• traditional English and Russian hobbies
• hobbies in your class or/and your family

• the most interesting hobby you’ve heard of
• reasons why people have hobbies

* * * * * Let Us Write * * * * *

31. Do ex. 6, ex. 8, ex. 10, ex. 15, ex. 17 in writing.

32. Complete the dialogues using passive structures.

Example: — Have you posted the letters? — Not yet. They will be posted tomorrow.

  1. 1. — Have you posted the letters? — ....
    2. — Has Nick washed the plates? — Sorry, he can’t do it. ... .
    3. — I can’t finish this work. — Don’t worry. ...... .
    4. — What do you know about the delegation from France? — ... .
    5. — When will we have new pens for the office? — ... .

Example: — Have you finished the letter? — Not yet. I’m sure it can be written later.

  1. 1. — Have you finished the letter? — (It can ...)
    2. — Have they typed the papers? — (They must ...)
    3. — Have you brought any news? — (It should ...)
    4. — All these people are invited, but I don’t see Mr Brown’s name on the list. — (He has to ...)
    5. — How often do rabbits get their food? — (They ought to ...)

33. Use reflexive pronouns to express the same in English.

  1. Â÷åðà ìîé ìëàäøèé áðàò ïîðåçàëñÿ íîæîì, (with à knife)
  2. Íå îáîæãèñü. Íå óøèáèñü. Íå ïîðåæüñÿ.
  3. Îíà ñîáèðàëàñü â ãîñòè (to the party) è äîìà âíèìàòåëüíî ñìîòðåëà íà ñåáÿ â çåðêàëî.
  4. Îíà íèêîãäà ñàìà ñ ñîáîé íå ðàçãîâàðèâàåò.
  5. Ó ìåíÿ íåò âðåìåíè. Ïîìîé òàðåëêè ñàì.
  6. ß íàäåþñü, îí ïîëó÷èò óäîâîëüñòâèå îò êîíöåðòà.
  7. Íàäåþñü, âû ïîëó÷èòå óäîâîëüñòâèå îò ñïåêòàêëÿ.
  8. Äî ñâèäàíèÿ, áåðåãèòå ñåáÿ è âîçâðàùàéòåñü ñêîðåå.
  9. Îí ìíå íå íðàâèòñÿ, ïîòîìó ÷òî îí äóìàåò òîëüêî î ñåáå.
  10. Èçâèíè, ÿ íå ìîãó îáúÿñíèòü òåáå ýòî ïðàâèëî: ÿ ñàì åãî íå ïîíèìàþ.

34. Look at the words again and get ready to write a spelling quiz on them.

a reptile, a savanna, extinct, a pigeon, to endanger (to be endangered), a species, an insect, a mammal, to destroy (to be destroyed), a habitat, cardboard, to damage (to be damaged), to include (to be included), to cure (to be cured), a creature

* * * * * Let us listen and Discuss * * * * *

35. a) Make sure that you know these words:

    rubbish — ìóñîð, áûòîâûå îòõîäû
    common — îáû÷íûé

34. b) Listen to the tape, 14, and answer these questions.

  1. What subject did Tom Robinson teach at school?
  2. Why did Tom decide to take his class to London Zoo?
  3. Where did he meet his pupils?
  4. Why did Tom want to show mammals to his pupils?
  5. Where did Tom take his class? What animals were kept in the cages?
  6. What was there near the cages?
  7. Why didn’t Tom find his pupils near the lions’ cages?
  8. What were his pupils looking at?
  9. What was the little mouse looking for?
  10. Why do you think the children were happy and more interested in the small common mouse than in the savanna lions?

35. Imagine what the weather was like on the day when Tom Robinson took his class to London Zoo and describe it.

36. Imagine you are one of Tom’s pupils and tell your friends about your visit to London Zoo.



