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Unit I5. How Much Do We Know About the USA

You already know some facts
about the United States
of America and its people.
We would like you to remember
certain things about the US. So...

* * * * * Let Us Review * * * * *

1. Choose the right item.

1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in ...

  1. 1402
  2. 1482
  3. 1492
  4. 1392

2. Christopher Columbus discovered ...

  1. Central America
  2. South America
  3. North America
  4. the United States of America

. The first English settlements appeared in ...

  1. North America in the 17th century
  2. South America in the 17th century
  3. Central America in the 16th century
  4. America in the 18th century

4. The “Mayflower” is ...

  1. the name of a season
  2. the name of the first English settlement in America
  3. the name of a flower
  4. the name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth for the New World in 1620

5. The first colonists started the tradition of ...

  1. Halloween
  2. Independence Day
  3. Thanksgiving Day
  4. Memorial Day

6. The first president of the US was ...

  1. George Washington
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Jeffrey Jefferson
  4. Bill Clinton

7. The capital of the US is ...

  1. Washington, D. C.
  2. Washington
  3. New York
  4. Philadelphia

8. There were ... colonies in America in 1773.

  1. 13
  2. 7
  3. 21
  4. 10

9. Jeans are clothes worn by ...

  1. cowboys in the Wild West
  2. people all over the world
  3. Levi Strauss people
  4. actors in America

10. The American flag is often called ...

  1. Union Jack
  2. the Stars and Stripes
  3. the Red Dragon
  4. the White Eagle

11. There are ... stripes on the American flag,

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 50
  4. 13

12. The official national symbol of the USA is ...

  1. the Statue of Liberty
  2. the eagle
  3. the turkey
  4. the “Mayflower”

2. Answer the following questions, if necessary consult Lessons 40, 43—52 of your Textbook IV and Lesson 14 of your Reader IV.

  1. What do you remember about the discoverer of America? (Where was he born? Where did he live? What country was he looking for in 1492 when he discovered the new continent?)
  2. What do you know about the first English settlements in America and the first English colonists? (When and why did England become interested in America? When did the “Mayflower” sail to America? What did they call the part of America where they set up their first colony? What kind of life did they lead?)
  3. There were 13 colonies in America in 1773, weren’t there?
  4. Why did people in America fight for their independence from England?
  5. How can you characterize the colonists?
  6. What big US cities do you know?
  7. How many cents are there in a dollar? What are other American coins? How many cents are there in a nickel, a dime and a quarter?
  8. What is the name of the US city where Levi Strauss began making special clothes? What clothes were they?
  9. What are the colours of the American flag? Why are there 50 stars on the flag? Why are there 13 stripes on it? What do people often call the American flag?
  10. The eagle became the official national symbol of the USA in 1782, didn’t it? What symbol is an olive branch? What symbol is arrows? Where can you see the picture of the eagle with an olive branch and arrows?
  11. What do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
  12. The capital of the USA is Washington, D. C., isn’t it? What do the letters D. C. stand for? Why do people say “Washington, D. C.” when they speak about the US capital?

3. After doing ex. 1 and ex. 2 decide who in your class knows the country (and its people) best. Let him be a visiting professor from New York and ask him:

  1. why Washington, D. C. is a special city;
  2. what oceans wash the US in the east and in the west;
  3. what he can tell you about the Statue of Liberty;
  4. what he can tell you about the American flag;
  5. when the story of the “Wild West” began and why people went west;
  6. who native Americans are and what their life in the USA nowadays is like;
  7. when and why Americans began to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.



It is useful information.
What wonderful advice!
What long hair!
It is fresh milk.
What fine weather!
What big money!
What clean air!
It is such tasty water.
What interesting work!
It is such necessary news.
It is such great progress.
It is important knowledge.

Countables in the singular

It is a poor answer.
It is an easy job.
It is such a lovely flower!
She is such a nice girl!
What an interesting trip!
What a dangerous road!

Countables in the plural

They are short stories.
These are attractive ideas.
They are such funny boys.
What clever animals!

4. Use the articles à/àï where necessary to make the story complete. Retell the story.

Mother’s Advice

Harry came to his mother one morning and said to her, “No one at my school likes me, Mother. The teachers don’t, and the children don’t. Even the cleaners and the bus drivers hate me.”

“Well, Harry,” his mother answered. “It is such ... sad news. Perhaps you aren’t very nice to them. If ... few ... people don’t like ... person it may not be his fault;1 but if ... lot of ... people don’t, there is usually something wrong with such ... person and he really needs to change.”

“That’s ... good advice, Mother,” Harry said. “But I’m too old to change. I don’t want to go to school.”

“Don’t be so silly, Harry,” his mother said. “You have to go. You’re quite well, and you have still ... important things to learn. And besides that, you’re the headmaster of the school.”

1 fault — âèíà



