Учебник для 6 класса

Английский язык


Let Us Read and Learn


to make sb + Adj (happy, sad, etc.)

“I'll make you happy,” he said.
The teacher’s voice made the boy pleased.
Fresh air and a lot of exercise made the child healthy.
The long walk made the old man tired.

10. Make up sentences.

The snow
The present
The new toy
The old film

will make

the garden
little Ann
his sister



to let/make somebody do something

Jack always lets me help him.
Mother never makes us wash up, we do it ourselves.
Who will make her come on time?
I will let you come back late tonight.
Daddy, let them join us!
The news made everybody feel sad.


to be allowed/made to do something

The pupils were made to learn the poem by heart.
The children were allowed to watch the football match on television.
I am never allowed to come home late.
Robert was made to wash the floor again.

11. Complete the sentences. Use to let, to make, to be allowed, to be made.

  1. Your brother’s trousers look terrible. You should ... him clean them.
  2. I didn’t want to do the room. My father ... me help him.
  3. I can’t come. My parents won’t ... me.
  4. Why do you always ... your children do whatever they like?
  5. We ... to write Exercise Five in class.
  6. The children ... to take part in the show.



I want you to go there.
We expect them to arrive at five.
Tom would like me to visit Scotland.
We were allowed to play outside.
The girl was made to tell the truth.

I’ll make you go there.
We made them arrive at five.
My parents will let me visit Scotland.
They let us play outside.
The girl’s friends made her tell the truth.

12. Insert to where necessary.

  1. Let me ... join you.
  2. He is always allowed ... do as he pleases.
  3. We expected the tourists ... move fast for a while.
  4. The sea voyage made the boy ... feel pleased.
  5. I wouldn’t like her ... scream so loudly.
  6. She never expected John ... look stupid.
  7. What exactly was Tim made ... repeat?

13. Express the same in English.

  1. Нам разрешили посетить королевский дворец.
  2. Тома Кенти (Kenty) заставили управлять Англией, хотя он не был королём.
  3. «Я заставлю тебя помнить это!» — закричала женщина.
  4. Мы хотим, чтобы вы сделали именно то, о чём мы вас просим.
  5. Я не ожидала, что он знает поэзию так хорошо.
  6. Детям хотелось, чтобы родители почитали им книгу о пиратах.
  7. «Я заставлю тебя рассказать мне правду!» — закричала Нелли изо всех сил.

14. a) Read and guess what the underlined words mean.

  1. The boy was looking through the window and couldn’t concentrate on the work.
  2. There is a great contrast between life in the county and life in the city.
  3. On May, 9 there is usually a military parade in Moscow.

    You already know the adjective busy and you can easily understand such a sentence: “I’m very busy tonight, I have a lot of things to do”. But what does busy mean in these word combinations:

  4. a busy street/square (there is a lot of traffic there); a busy town (full of work and activity)?

b) Look these words up to make sure that you have guessed right.

15. Read the words, look them up and study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.

trade (n, uncount.): international trade, foreign trade, a centre of trade, a trade centre, the development of trade with Europe. Trade is the process of buying, selling or exchanging goods between countries,

a grave (n): the writer’s grave. Amy wants to see Shakespeare’s grave,

a rock (n): a high rock, to look at the rock, to take pictures of the rock. Do you see that rock over there? Holmes looked at the rocks below,

devotion (n): devotion to the family, devotion to one’s friends, devotion to one’s parents. You can easily see their devotion to their children,

to bury, buried, buried (v): to be buried. He was buried in the church yard. To bury is to put a dead body into a grave. Where is your granny buried?

to hang, hung, hung (v): to hang curtains, to hang a picture. Hang your coat on the hook.1

prosperous (adj): a prosperous farmer (lawyer), a prosperous family, a prosperous city. A person who is prosperous is wealthy and successful,

picturesque (adj): picturesque scenery, a picturesque valley, a picturesque village. The Lake District is one of the most picturesque places in the North of England, isn’t it?

modest (adj): a modest house, a modest flat, a modest person, a modest dress. The young actress is very modest about her success. My uncle has got a lot of medals but he is too modest to wear them,

smart (adj):

  1. (Br. English “pleasant to look at”) a smart dress, a smart blouse, to look smart, to wear smart clothes. You look so smart in that new shirt. When did they buy their smart new car?
  2. (especially Am. English “clever, quick”) a smart boy, a smart servant, a smart answer, a smart child. If he is as smart as he says, why have they caught him?

to strike, struck, struck (v):

  1. to strike (on) the table, to strike somebody, to strike one’s enemy, to strike a blow.2 Who struck the first blow? George struck his enemy in the face.
  2. (about a clock) to strike ten. It has just struck twelve. Listen! Is the clock striking? His hour has struck.
  3. to be struck, to strike sb as clever (unusual, important). When Linda came to Edinburgh, she was immediately struck by romantic beauty of the city. How does it strike you?

striking (adj): That was a striking thing to happen! The most striking character in “Alice in Wonderland” is the Queen,

to be lined with something: a street lined with trees, a road lined with modern houses.

1 a hook — крючок
2 to strike a blow — нанести удар

16. Complete these sentences with so ... that. Choose an adjective from the box.

Example: Peter is ... he can’t stand on his feet, (tired)
            Peter is so tired that he can’t stand on his feet.

striking, modest, picturesque, prosperous, smart, busy, high

  1. Alice’s dress was ... we all admired it.
  2. The contrast between the two brothers was ... we couldn’t believe it.
  3. The traffic in High Street is ... I never let my son cross it alone.
  4. You don’t know her: she is ... she’ll never speak about her success.
  5. The rock was ... we couldn’t climb it.
  6. The scene in front of us was ... we stood for a few moments admiring it and then took a few pictures.
  7. The city of Venice was ... many people came to trade there.

17. Write the degrees of comparison of these adjectives.

Example: smart — smarter — (the) smartest;
            prosperous — more prosperous — (the) most prosperous.

Busy, prosperous, picturesque, modest, smart, striking, fragile, exciting, attractive, touching, stupid, wicked.

18. Say:

  1. where William Shakespeare was buried;
  2. what streets are usually lined with;
  3. which country is more prosperous — the USA or Greece;
  4. when you prefer to wear your smartest clothes;
  5. what city in Russia you can call especially picturesque;
  6. how often the Kremlin clock strikes.

19. Add as many words as you can to each line.

1. Devotion to
      your mother...
2. Prosperous
3. Picturesque

4. Smart
5. Striking
6. Street lined with

20. Express the same in English.

  1. Мало людей знают, где находится могила Пушкина.
  2. Пушкин был похоронен в Святогорском монастыре (Svyatogorsky Monastery).
  3. Какая поразительная женщина! Она знает шесть иностранных языков.
  4. Не надевай это нарядное платье в школу.
  5. Во время нашего путешествия мы видели множество огромных гор и живописных долин.
  6. Я не могу назвать этот город процветающим: в нём слишком много бедных людей.
  7. В противоположность своей старшей сестре она всегда носит скромную одежду.
  8. Какая преданность!
  9. Мы хотим повесить ваши рисунки в классе перед новогодним вечером.
  10. Замок стоял на вершине скалы и казался огромным и опасным.

21. Listen to the poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands”, 46, and read it. Then learn it by heart.

My Heart’s In The Highlands

(R. Burns)

    My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
    My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing1 the deer,
    A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe2
    My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go!

    Farewell3 to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
    The birthplace of valour,4 the country of worth!5
    Wherever I wander,6 wherever I rove,
    The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

    Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow,
    Farewell to the straths7 and green valleys below,
    Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
    Farewell to the torrents8 and long-pouring9 floods!10

    My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
    My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
    A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe —
    My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go!

1 a-chasing — в погоне
2 a roe — косуля
3 farewell — прощайте
4 valour — доблесть
5 worth — достоинство
6 to wander — бродить
7 a strath — широкая горная долина
8 a torrent — горный поток
9 long-pouring — большой, мощный
10 flood — зд. река

22. Listen to the song “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”, 47, and sing along.

One of the most famous Scottish songs, known all over the world is “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”. It is a song about Prince Charles Edward Stewart who was known as Bonnie Prince Charlie because he was young and good-looking (“bonnie” means “good-looking”). He was also Scotland’s national hero who fought against the English in the 18th century but Charlie’s army was defeated.



