Ó÷åáíèê äëÿ 6 êëàññà

Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê


Unit 20. Geographical Outlook

* * * * * Let Us Review * * * * *

1. Look at the pictures and say what is happening at the moment.

2. Complete the sentences using the right form of the verb.

  1. Don’t talk to him now, he (thinks, is thinking) of something.
  2. I (think, am thinking) you are right: the weather will change very soon.
  3. He says he (likes, is liking) my new picture.
  4. — Where are the children? — They (plant, are planting) trees in the garden.
  5. We all (remember, are remembering) that March 8 is a very special day.
  6. She knows that her elder brother (travels, is travelling) in South America now.
  7. Look, the rain (begins, is beginning). Let us run for it.
  8. Now we (want, are wanting) to make a big party and invite all our friends.

3. Say what these people were doing at the definite time in the past.

Example: Yesterday at 3 o’clock my mother (to cook). — Yesterday at 3 o’clock my mother was cooking.

  1. Yesterday evening at 8 my brother (to do) his lessons.
  2. When I came home from school, Kate (to play) with her toys.
  3. While I was reading David (to watch) TV.
  4. Before the lesson our teacher (to look) through our exercise books.
  5. While the children were sleeping their parents (to decorate) the New Year tree.
  6. When the bell rang the pupils (to write) down their homework.

4. Remember and say:

  1. what your family were doing yesterday after supper (at about 8 o’clock);
  2. what your friends were doing when you came to school in the morning;
  3. what your parents and grandparents were doing when you came home from school.

* * * * * Let us Read and Learn * * * * *


The Future Continuous Tense

will/shall + be + Ving

I’ll be lying on the beach at this time tomorrow.
My aunt Mary will be flying over the Atlantic Ocean at 12 o’clock on Wednesday.
What time will you be leaving tomorrow?
I’m sure they won’t be playing football in an hour.

5. Open the brackets, use the verbs in the future continuous tense and complete the sentences.

  1. When you come to my place, I (to do) my homework.
  2. Very soon we (to travel) in the USA.
  3. You (to write) your story for the school newspaper after classes?
  4. Who (to wait) for the children at the bus stop?
  5. My friend (not to play) football tomorrow morning: he will be busy.
  6. Mike will be out at 8 o’clock: he (to walk) his dog.
  7. Mary (to play) the piano after supper?
  8. I know where Father will be at 6 o’clock — he (to drive) home from work.

6. Look at the pictures and say what John will/won’t be doing in two months when he is on holiday.

Example: When on holiday John will be playing tennis.
            When on holiday John won’t be doing his room.

7. Express the same in English.

  1.  âîñêðåñåíüå ÿ áóäó ãîòîâèòü ïðàçäíè÷íûé îáåä.
  2. Âå÷åðîì ìû íå áóäåì ñìîòðåòü òåëåâèçîð, ìû áóäåì ÷èòàòü íîâóþ êíèãó.
  3.  ñåìü ÷àñîâ ìû áóäåì âñòðå÷àòü ìàìó íà âîêçàëå.
  4. Êîãäà âû ïðèäåòå, îíè íå áóäóò îáåäàòü, îíè áóäóò æäàòü âàñ.
  5. Çàâòðà óòðîì ìû áóäåì ñàæàòü öâåòû îêîëî øêîëû.
  6. Ó÷åíèêè 6-ãî êëàññà íå áóäóò ïèñàòü äèêòàíò íà ñëåäóþùåì óðîêå àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà, îíè áóäóò ÷èòàòü íîâûå òåêñòû.
  7. Ïðèõîäèòå íà âñòðå÷ó ñ ýòèì ïèñàòåëåì, îí áóäåò ðàññêàçûâàòü î ñâîèõ êíèãàõ.
  8. ×òî âû áóäåòå äåëàòü çàâòðà ïîñëå îáåäà?
  9. Îíè áóäóò òàíöåâàòü ïîñëå êîíöåðòà?
  10.  ñëåäóþùåì ãîäó ìîé ñòàðøèé áðàò áóäåò ó÷èòü ôðàíöóçñêèé ÿçûê.


at 6 o’clock yesterday

1. I was watching the match on television.
2. Were you working when I phoned you?
3. Nick wasn’t typing his article.

at 6 o’clock tomorrow

1. I will be watching the match on TV.

2. Will you be working when I come?

3. Nick won’t be typing his article.

8. Choose the right item.

  1. Tom (wasn’t/won’t be) using his bicycle this evening. You may take it.
  2. Be quick! In five minutes granny (was/will be) telling us my favourite tale.
  3. Ann looked so beautiful. She (was/will be) wearing a new blue dress.
  4. What (will you be/were you) doing after the film? Can you take the dog for a walk?
  5. She says probably she (was/will be) having a sea voyage in May next year.
  6. (Will you be/Were you) reading when Nick phoned?


Phrasal Verb to give

  1. to give back — îòäàâàòü íàçàä, âîçâðàùàòü
    It’s my school bag. Give it back.
    I have read all these books and I want to give them back.
  2. to give out — ðàçäàâàòü
    Could you, please, give these exercise books out?
    Now I’d like to give you out some books.
  3. to give away — îòäàâàòü, äàðèòü
    She has given away all her best books.
    I don’t want to keep this money, I prefer to give it away.
  4. to give up
    à) îòêàçàòüñÿ, áðîñèòü, ïåðåñòàòü çàíèìàòüñÿ ÷åì-òî
    b) îòêàçàòüñÿ îò ìûñëè ðåøèòü êàêóþ-òî ïðîáëåìó (ïðèçíàòü, ÷òî òû å¸ ðåøèòü íå ìîæåøü)

Don’t give up hope.
She decided not to give up music, though it wasn’t easy to find time for it.

Guess what it means: I don’t know, I give up. What is it?
to give up the idea of doing something.
At last we gave up the idea of travelling in such bad weather.
Why did you give up the idea of learning French?

9. Complete the sentences using the right word: back, out, away, up.

  1. — Where is your collection of badges? — Oh, I’ve given it ... . I’m not interested in badges anymore.
  2. My friend Liza said she would never give ... singing. And I think she is right.
  3. I want to ask Mike to give me my bicycle ...: I’d like to ride it after school.
  4. Who can help me to give this food ... ?
  5. Please don’t give ... the idea of joining our basketball team. You are one of the best players I’ve ever met.
  6. She always gives ... old newspapers and magazines after she has read them.
  7. Have you given the books ... to the library yet?
  8. My father gave ... skiing after he broke his leg.

10. Express the same in English.

  1. Ìíå ìîæíî ðàçäàòü âñå ýòè òàðåëêè è ÷àøêè? Ïîìîãèòå ìíå, ïîæàëóéñòà.
  2. Íèêîãäà íå ðàññòàâàéñÿ ñ íàäåæäîé.
  3. — Óãàäàé, êàêîé èç äâóõ ãîðîäîâ — ñòîëèöà Àâñòðàëèè: Ñèäíåé èëè Êàíáåððà (Sydney or Canberra)? — Íå çíàþ. ß ñäàþñü. Ñêàæè ìíå.
  4. Çà÷åì òû îòäàëà ýòîò æóðíàë? ß åù¸ íå ÷èòàëà åãî.
  5. ß ïåðåñòàëà çàíèìàòüñÿ òàíöàìè (dancing), êîãäà ìíå áûëî äåñÿòü ëåò.
  6. ß íå ìîãó îòêàçàòüñÿ îò ìûñëè ñúåçäèòü â Ëîíäîí, ÷òîáû óâèäåòü ýòîò ãîðîä ñîáñòâåííûìè ãëàçàìè.
  7. Êàòÿ âåðíóëà êíèãó ðàññêàçîâ, òåïåðü òû ìîæåøü âçÿòü å¸.
  8. Ïîïðîáóé åù¸ ðàç, íå ñäàâàéñÿ. Òû ìîæåøü ýòî ñäåëàòü.

11. a) Read and guess what the underlined words mean.

  1. — Can you give me another name for a “car”? — Of course I can. A car is the same as an automobile.
  2. In this climate we need greenhouses to grow tropical plants.
  3. There are many beautiful places on the territory of this country.
  4. Agriculture plays the leading role in the economy of this country.
  5. The orange, lemon and grapefruit are citrus fruits.
  6. ice — icy: lcy winds blew from the north and brought winter with them.
  7. general — generally: — Do you go to school by bus? — No, I generally walk.
  8. natural — naturally: I knew about the present they had prepared, so, naturally. I wasn’t surprised.
  9. near — nearly: Do you know how old he is now? He is nearly 15 years old!

b) Look these words up and make sure you have guessed right.

12. Read the words, look them up and then study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.

a hemisphere (n): the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere, the Western Hemisphere. A hemisphere is one half of the earth. Russia is situated in the Northern Hemisphere.

wheat (n): a field of wheat, golden wheat. This bread is made from wheat. Wheat is used to make flour and other food.

a peach (n): a peach tree, a peach flower, peach jam, peach colour. I’ve bought some wonderful peaches for dinner. Peaches are my favourite fruit. Yesterday Mary was wearing her new peach dress.

an apricot (n): an apricot tree, apricot juice. Apricots look like small peaches. Apricots grow in the south of this country. Have you ever seen apricot trees in bloom? They look fantastic!

a pear (n): a pear tree, a plate full of pears, a green pear, a sweet pear, half a pear. Pears are my favourite fruit. Would you like some pears for dessert?

a berry (n): berry — berries; to pick up berries, a lot of berries, wild berries. Did you know that a tomato is a berry? There are very few berries in the forest this year: it’s too dry.

a swamp (n): a cold swamp, a swamp in the forest, a dangerous swamp. Long ago the whole country was forest and swamp. These berries grow in the swamp. A swamp is land which is full of or covered with water.

swampy (adj): a swampy place.

sand (n): yellow sand, warm sand, a sandcastle. The little children played in the sand.

sandy (adj): a long sandy beach, sandy hair. The sandy beaches in the South of England are quite famous.

vast (adj): a vast territory, a vast plain, a vast country. Something that is vast is very large. What is this vast country called? The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles.

humid (adj): a humid day, a humid climate, humid air, humid weather. — What’s the weather like today? — It’s hot and humid. The air is so humid here. Are summers in Moscow very humid?

lonely (adj): a lonely girl, a lonely tree, a lonely house in the country. If you are lonely you feel unhappy because you are alone or without friends. You can feel lonely even among friends.

except (prep): Everyone except John was tired. I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.

only (adj): the only people, the only person, the only problem. Is she the only person chosen for the job?

to occupy (v): to occupy a town, to occupy the country. The family occupied a little house on the beach. Is the seat occupied? Is the seat free?

to inhabit (v): to inhabit a country. Many birds inhabit the forest,

inhabited/uninhabited: an uninhabited house, an uninhabited place, an inhabited island, an uninhabited castle, an uninhabited desert. How long has this house been uninhabited?

least (little — less — least) (adv): the least known continent, the least inhabited area. It happened just when we least expected it.

least of all: No one listened, least of all the children.

13. Work in pairs. Ask your friend which of these he/she likes better. Let him/her answer. Don’t forget to change over.

Example: apples / pears — Which do you like better — apples or pears? — Pears, I think. They are my favourites.

peaches / apricots;
wild berries / garden berries;
juice / mineral water;
crowded beaches / lonely beaches;
sandy beaches / rocky beaches;
most difficult exercises / least difficult exercises;
dry weather / humid weather


most populated
most important
most developed
most discussed
most mentioned


least populated
least important
least developed
least discussed
least mentioned

14. Make up true sentences with the word combinations above.

15. Match the words with their definitions.

a swamp
an apricot
to inhabit
a hemisphere
a berry
a pear

very large
a fruit that looks like a bell
a plant from which flour is made
a small soft fruit
to populate
land filled or covered with water
a round soft orange or yellow fruit like a peach but smaller
with a lot of water (about air and weather) one half of the earth

16. Answer the questions using the words from ex. 12.

  1. In what half of the earth is Australia situated?
  2. What fruit can be grown in warm climate?
  3. What is the climate like in South America near the Amazon River?
  4. Where do cranberries1 usually grow?
  5. What fields in August look golden?
  6. What do you call a tree standing alone in the middle of the field?
  7. What is the name of the pinky-orange colour?
  8. What do little children often build on the sea beach?

1 cranberry — êëþêâà



known — unknown
educated — uneducated
populated — unpopulated
cooked — uncooked
covered — uncovered
declared — undeclared
spoken — unspoken comfortable — uncomfortable


hospitable — inhospitable
complete — incomplete
dependent — independent
formal — informal1
definite — indefinite
expressive — inexpressive

1 formal — îôèöèàëüíûé, ñëóæåáíûé, âå÷åðíèé (îá îäåæäå); informal — ïîâñåäíåâíûé, äðóæåñêèé, íåîôèöèàëüíûé

17. In the table above find the words which go together with these.

Example: ... dress/party — a formal/an informal dress/party

... address/city/writer/territory
... article/time/place
... child/student/population
... dinner/lunch/supper
... war/battle/decision

... story/sentence/fable/ fairy tale
... artist/poet/architect
... house/castle/palace
... country/man/government/ Press
... chair/shoes/coat/room

18. Listen to the dialogue, 03 70, read it and then act it out.

What Do We Know About Australia?

Alex: Have you had a nice evening?

Boris: Yes, I’ve been watching a documentary film on TV.

Alex: Really? What was it about?

Boris: About the largest island in the world.

Alex: The largest island? Do you mean Australia?

Boris: I do. Though I’m sure that Australia is the biggest island I know that many people think it’s a continent.

Alex: Yes. That’s what I think: it’s the smallest continent on the earth.

Boris: And it is an independent country too.

Alex: I know that. What is its capital? Sydney?

Boris: No. It’s Canberra, but Sydney is the largest city in the country.

Alex: Is English the official language?

Boris: Yes, it is, though it is a bit different from the language they speak in the USA and Britain.



