Учебник для 6 класса

Английский язык


Let Us Read

18. Read the text and say what weathermen do.

The Weather Forecast

We get wet through when we are caught in a rainstorm without a coat. Sometimes we put on a sweater and then find that the weather has become hot. We do not always know what weather to expect. It is more serious when farmers lose their harvest because of rain, or a sailor gets into trouble when the wind rises. On TV and radio there are daily weather forecasts. Sometimes, the forecast is not quite right as the weather is not an easy thing to forecast.

All day and night, weathermen are collecting information from ships, planes weather stations, and space stations. With the help of this information, they can understand what the weather will be like during the next few days. Although no two days will have exactly the same weather, some types of weather people can forecast.

When a barometer shows high pressure, the weather will be calm. In winter it will be cold and frosty. In summer it usually means misty mornings and hot sunny days. When the barometer shows low pressure, look out for rain and strong winds.

As a result of the weathermen’s work we learn about the weather. This is one of the TV forecasts made by the BBC.1

5. “Good evening, and here is the weather forecast for tomorrow.

Scotland will be cold with snow in the mountains. In the north of England it will be a wet day with heavy showers that will move to Northern Wales during the afternoon. The Midlands will be dry but cloudy. In the south of England the day will be bright and clear with a lot of sunshine but it may be windy in the evening.”

1 the BBC — The British Broadcasting Corporation — a British organization which broadcasts programmes on radio and television

19. Say: “True”, “False” or “Don’t know.”

  1. Weathermen collect information from universities, colleges and offices.
  2. If the barometer shows low pressure, the weather is rainy and windy.
  3. We never know what weather to expect and there’s nothing that can help us.
  4. For some people it’s very important to know the weather forecast.
  5. When the weather is cold and frosty in winter, the barometer shows high pressure.

* * * * * Lет Us Talk * * * * *

20. Use the text (ex. 18) and prove that the work of weathermen is very important.

21. Let’s discuss the work of weathermen. Think and answer the questions. Ex. 18 can help you.

  1. Are weather forecasts important for people? People of what professions are interested in weather forecasts? Why?
  2. How often can people listen to daily weather forecasts? Can they get this information only on radio and TV?
  3. When and where do weathermen usually collect information about weather?
  4. What is the usual weather if a barometer shows high pressure in summer? in winter?
  5. Do the members of your family usually listen to weather forecasts or watch them on television?
  6. Have you ever got into trouble because of a wrong weather forecast? Can you remember how it happened?

22. Play the part of a weatherman and tell TV viewers what weather they will have tomorrow.

23. Make up dialogues about the weather on a rainy (sunny, cold, hot, frosty, warm, autumn, spring) day and act them out.

* * * * * Let Us Write * * * * *

24. You know that the weather in Britain is very changeable. Describe the weather in London on each day of last week.

Example: It was snowy on Sunday.

25. Describe in 5—7 sentences a typical day in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

26. Express the same in English.



  1. Солнечно. Дождя нет.
  2. Холодно. Идёт снег.
  3. Облачно. Дует холодный ветер.
  4. Морозно, но светит солнце.
  5. Идёт дождь. Туманно. Сыро.
  6. Идёт снег? — Нет, на улице ясно.


  1. Вчера было тепло, хотя шёл дождь.
  2. В прошлую среду было ветрено, но ясно. Светило солнце.
  3. Вчера вечером дул сильный ветер и было холодно.
  4. Вчера утром не было солнца.
  5. Три дня тому назад был лёгкий туман (дымка), но было тепло.
  6. На прошлой неделе шёл снег. Морозило.


Наступила осень. Дни стали короче. Много облачных, ненастных дней с ливнями. А совсем недавно было тепло и сухо, светило солнце и дни были ясными. В прошлое воскресенье я гулял по лесу и слушал пение птиц. А сейчас я сижу за письменным столом и делаю уроки. Но я люблю осень и люблю школу. В этом году я буду опять учить английский язык.

27. Look at the words again and get ready to write a spelling quiz on them.

a rainbow, a rainstorm, a barometer, a shower, a weatherman, a forecast, to forecast, to expect, daily, calm, misty, changeable

* * * * * Let us listen and Discuss * * * * *

28. Listen to the tape, 6, and say why Tom asked his father about the rain on the road. What did his father answer him?

29. Who said the following?

  1. “Dry and warm in the morning with possible showers in the afternoon.”
  2. “It isn’t very nice, is it?”
  3. “It rains and ... the grass grows for the cows and the sheep.”
  4. “Then why does it rain on the road, too?”

30. Describe the weather on the day of Tom and his father’s walk.



